This paper shows the scientific and technological application of Ergonomics ans Design, in a preschool desk project. The constant presence of this object in children’s education and its influence in the educational process, determined the necessity of this project. In this way, the preschool desk passed to be considered a “Work Station”, where the joint aspects of education and child anthropometry, are fundamental to the problem. The development of ergonomic research, characterized by investigations of anthropometric and biomechanical features, resulted in dimensional parameters for the user and for the present furniture. These elements were correlated with aspects of bibliographical research, resulting in a series of recomendations for project. Having as reference the Ergonomic Desing method, a new proposal of the preschool desk was developed, under the name “Mobipresc 3.6”, that was selected in the “XI Design Award, Museum of the Brazilian Home” and awarded in the “International Concourse of Design – Herman Miller / Design Biennial 1997”.
Keywords: Design, ergonomics, preschool desk.
Palavras-chave: Desenho Industrial, ergonomia, carteira pré-escolar.
Luis Carlos Paschoarelli José Carlos Plácido da Silva
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