The constant changes to the landscape, as well as the diferent needs for surface information of the diverse users, lead to the use of computerized systems that optimize the production and updating of maps. In this way modern Cartography is developing to meet such demands through the use of Computer Graphics and Multimedia. Computer graphics allowed the substitution of a traditionally elaborated cartographic product – the graphic map, by a new product – the digital map, a set of cartographic data stored in a form compatible with the computer and that can be presented in the form of the traditional printed map just as it can also be displayed on the monitor screen of a computer. Cartography necessarily involves multiple media and so Multimedia shows itself a viable alternative to integrate the diverse and varied cartographic data and information products. The present article dares to present a brief (and certainly incomplete) retrospective of the last thirty years of introduction of new technologies in the Cartographic Sciences and to demonstrate the impact caused by these on research, on the market and on teaching.
Keywords: Cartography, Computer Graphics, Multimedia.
Palavras-chave: Cartografia, Computação Gráfica, Multimídia.
Arlete A. C. Meneguette
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