The research of H.G.UFER, about the concrete around the metal, working as an electrode of the real landing are an important development for the tecnology of landing. WIENER, showed that the metal shaft around the concrete has a capacity of landing of current enough substantial and shorter than corrosion of the shaft directly buried.
The effectiveness of the concrete as a solo of uniform resistivity is proper of is alkaline composition and hygroscopic quality. This combination includes the condutivity demand for the ionic mobility of the mixture and the eletrolites. The dense quality inibits the dissolution and the concrete in the earth tends to drain the humidity of the solo keeping its proper content of high water, a condition of its proper low and uniform resistivity even under dry condition.
Keywords: Landing, Concrete around the metal.
Palavras-chave: Aterramento, metal envolto em concreto.
Maria do Carmo Jampaulo Plácido Palhaci Délio Pereira Guerrini
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