Em 1890 a antiga Academia Imperial das Belas Artes passa por uma significativa reforma e se torna Escola Nacional de Belas Artes. O presente artigo apresenta a Reforma de 1890, que transformou a Academia em Escola, como parte da reforma de educação de Benjamin Constant, colocada em prática nos anos de 1890 e 1891, procurando mostrar que os artistas envolvidos com a Reforma de 1890 não somente tinham familiaridade com saberes e práticas educacionais e deles fizeram uso, mas, ao aplicá-los no ensino da arte, foram agentes que participaram ativamente da construção da pedagogia que se instaurava no Brasil na transição para o século XX. O principal enfoque do artigo é o ensino de desenho na Escola Nacional de Belas Artes, apontando as relações estabelecidas em finais do século XIX entre a arte, a indústria e o ensino de desenho.
Palavras-chave: ensino de desenho; Escola Nacional de Belas Artes; artes industriais; artes decorativas.
In 1890 the old Imperial Academy of Fine Arts underwent significant reform and became National School of Fine Arts. This article presents the Reform of 1890, that transformed the Academy in School, as part of the of the Educational Reform of Benjamin Constant, acted in the years 1890 and 1891, with the purpose to show that the artists involved with the Reform of 1890 had not only familiarity with educational knowledge and practices and made use of them, but to apply them in art education, they became agents who actively participated in the construction of the pedagogy that was established in Brazil in the transition to the twentieth century. The main focus of the paper is the teaching of drawing at the National School of Fine Arts, pointing the relations established in the late nineteenth century between art, industry and the teaching of drawing.
Keywords: teaching of drawing; National School of Fine Arts; industrial arts; decorative arts.
Camila Dazzi
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